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Neurology Student Interest Group

SIGN (Student Interest Group in Neurology) is Keck’s interest group for anyone interested in the subspecialties that focus on the brain and the fascinating diseases that afflict it. There are a variety of ways to get involved with SIGN. We will be having a few lunch talks this year where Keck faculty neurologists talk about their fields. There will be opportunities to shadow them as well as pursue research projects with them (be on the lookout for our shadowing and research database). Our bi-annual Happy Hour events are also a great opportunity to meet and network with faculty in an informal setting -- a prime time to ask them any burning questions about the brain you may have! There are also plenty of opportunities for community outreach -- in the past we’ve held events during Brain Awareness Week and hosted events to teach local elementary school kids. You will be hearing about all these activities (and some other very cool ones that are still being planned) over the coming months. Sign up here

Our Leadership

Lucas Occhino (

Charlotte Kwok (



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